Hospital del Mar Research Institute

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  • Having a good breakfast reduces cardiovascular risk


    Consuming 20-30% of daily energy intake in the morning influences key cardiovascular risk factors. People who consume the right amount of energy in the morning have 2-3.5% lower body mass index, less abdominal obesity (2-4% smaller waist circumference), 9-18% lower triglycerides, and 4-8.5% higher HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol).

    Additionally, having a high-quality breakfast with a balanced intake of proteins, high-value fats, fiber, calcium, and iron is associated with a 1.5% smaller waist circumference, 4% lower triglycerides, and 3% higher HDL cholesterol.

    The study tracked nearly 400 participants of the PREDIMED-Plus study over three years, which analyzes the effects of the Mediterranean diet on participants' health.

    Read more sobre "Having a good breakfast reduces cardiovascular risk"

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