02/10/2024 - Press release
· Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients who die had, years earlier, a higher presence of about thirty proteins in their blood related to inflammation and coagulation. · Detecting these proteins allows for a very accurate prediction of future mortality risk in patients with stable COPD, according to a multicenter pilot study led by Hospital del Mar, recently published in the journal Cells. · Researchers used various models to predict mortality risk through an AI-assisted program developed by the Biomedical Informatics Research Group at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, one of which reached a precision level of 95%.
Més informació "Blood markers identified to predict long-term mortality in stable COPD patients"
23/07/2024 - Press release
Chest ultrasound enables quick and easy identification of patients who may have a worse prognosis due to pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection. The published work is a collaboration between Hospital del Mar and Doctors Without Borders, published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine. This diagnostic tool, with proper training and access to portable ultrasound devices, is particularly useful in resource-limited countries due to its ease of bedside use.
11/03/2024 - Covid-19
This is revealed by a study at Hospital del Mar, which prospectively analyzed data from nearly 2,000 people followed at the center's Post-COVID Unit. The main risk factors for developing persistent COVID are obesity, asthma and the severity of the disease. Women are also at higher risk These results lead the authors of the study to consider antiviral treatment also for people with SARS-CoV-2 infection who meet these risk factors, even if they do not suffer from severe COVID.
Més informació "Treatment of COVID-19 with antivirals may protect from persistent COVID"
15/02/2024 - Press release
A study by Hospital del Mar and Hospital General de Catalunya shows that this new type of device is three times more effective than previous models in completely closing the aneurysm. Moreover, in a safe way. It is published in the Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery. The new generation of stents for the treatment of cerebral aneurysms is more effective and safer, according to a study by Hospital del Mar and Hospital General de Catalunya that has just been published in the Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery. In fact, they are three times more effective, with practically no complications.
Més informació "Efficacy of the new generation of stents to treat cerebral aneurysm validated"
14/02/2024 - Covid-19
It is a monoclonal antibody with prophylactic and therapeutic action, isolated from blood samples of a patient infected by SARS-CoV-2 during the first wave of the pandemic. The antibody has been designed and developed by researchers from the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, the IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute, the National Center for Biotechnology and the Center for Genomic Regulation. In addition, this new treatment has been patented pending commercial development. This new treatment has been patented pending commercial development. The results of the work have been published in the journal Nature Communications.
Més informació "New antibody blocks all SARS-CoV-2 variants in preclinical models"
19/01/2024 - General information
The Minister of Health officially announced the cardiologist's appointment from Hospital del Mar and researcher at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute last December. Dr. Tizón replaces Dr. Josepa Mauri from Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, who held this position for the past 8 years.
11/07/2023 - General information
The Tatiana Foundation Prize for Young Researchers, awarded by the Spanish Society of Neurosciences, aims to identify and support the future leaders of Spanish neuroscience research. Valero, coordinator of the Neural Computation Laboratory at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, has made extraordinary discoveries that have changed the way neuroscientists think about how local neural microcircuits represent spatial information. The award will be presented next September at the XI World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) to be held in Granada and organized by the Spanish Society of Neurosciences.
01/03/2023 - Press release
Low levels of a particular protein in squamous cell carcinoma cells indicate that they are preparing to start migrating to other organs, thereby causing the tumour to spread to other areas of the body. This is according to a study by the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, which has just been published in the journal Life Science Alliance. Tumour cells prepare to migrate by changing their metabolism so that they can consume lipids, in other words, cholesterol molecules. This raises the possibility of studying ways to block this process and prevent tumour metastasis.
Més informació "Marker discovered that shows when a type of skin cancer is preparing to metastasise"
20/01/2023 - Press release
A person's biological age, in other words, the real age of their body, which is independent of chronological age and which can be measured in specific blood tests, is conditioned by their lifestyle habits. A study by the Neurovascular Research Group at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, published in the journal Biology, has for the first time associated a higher biological age with the presence of an indicator of brain ageing, white matter hyperintensities, areas of the brain that blood has a harder time reaching. Lifestyle habits influence the DNA configuration and determine biological age. If these habits are modified, DNA ageing and, therefore, biological ageing can be slowed down, thereby decelerating the increase in white matter hyperintensities in brain tissue.
15/12/2022 - General information
The study, led by Dr. Xavier Nogués, has received one of the two biomedical research grants awarded by this organization, with a total endowment of 650,000 euros. The award ceremony took place in Madrid on December 14. A project to identify the factors that affect the risk of developing a state of fragility, headed by Dr. Xavier Nogués, director of the Clinical Translational Research Program at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute and head of the Internal Medicine Department at the Hospital del Mar, has received one of the two grants for biomedical research awarded by the Francisco Soria Melguizo Foundation. These grants total 650,000 euros and were awarded on December 14 at a ceremony held at the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy in Madrid.
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