Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Temporary calls


Research Technician (University degree in statistics, mathematics, bioinformatics or a related field.).

Researcher/s responsible for the project:
Mireia Julià Pérez
Project title:
New challenges for occupational safety and health in times of the digital transformation in Europe: the role of digital labour platforms (PCI2022-134969-2)
Research group / Service:
Social determinants and health education research group
The selected person will join the Social determinants and health education research group (Epidemiology and public health research program).
The candidate will be part of the international research project GIG-OSH ( The main tasks will be: - Database preparation and analysis - Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses - Analytical and statistical support of data within the project
University degree in statistics, mathematics, bioinformatics or a related field.
We value experience in the following tasks: data management (such as cleaning raw data, ensuring data quality and preparing them for initial analysis), data harmonization, cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis. Experience in participating in competitive research projects is also valued.
- Knowledge of statistical packages such as SPSS, STATA or R - Advanced level of Catalan, Spanish and English required. - Good communication skills and ability to learn on a continuous basis. - Organized, hard-working and proactive individual - Ability to work in a team and capacity to work independently - Master's degree or PhD in statistics or mathematics is a plus.
Duració determinada vinculat a programes finançats amb fons europeus (PRTR) 12p
Schedule Retribution Hire date
Jornada completa 29329.39 € bruts anuals February 2024

Aquest procés de selecció ha finalitzat en data 19-03-2024.

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