Col·laboracions externes
Spanish Research Institutions and Networks
- The group of Occupational Health in the UPF with whom there are joint research but also tied links on education and the program on training of residents of preventive medicine.
- CIBERESP, that offers the opportunity to collaborate with several groups, with a program on side-visits that offers the oportunity to host reserachers from other groups.
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Departament de Medicina Preventiva
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, the institute for environmental chemistry.
- Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO)
- Catalan Agency for Health Technology
- Assessment and Research (AATRM)
- the Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud, Zaragoza, Spain, Girona University
- University Miguel Hernandez from Elche
- University La Coruña
- Escola Valenciana d’Estudis de Salut
European Research Institutions and Networks
United States Research Institutions and Network
- WHO Assessment, Classification, and Epidemiology (ACE) Group, Bedirhan T. Üstün;
- University of McMaster, Ontario. Department of Clinical Epidemiolgy and Biostatistics and Medicine (Prof. Gordon H. Guyatt)
- University of North Carolina
- Harvard School of Public Health - Channing Laboratories.
- Harvard University (Departments of: Health Policy (Prof. Ronald C. Kessler)
- Johns Hopkins (depratment of epidemiology)
- Harvard University (Channing lab)
- University of South-California and NCI-NIH (occupational department).