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External collaborations - Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute

External collaborations

Common for the program:

There are two principal collaborations shared by most of the groups:

  • The group of Occupational Health in the UPF with whom there are joint research but also tied links on education and the program on training of residents of preventive medicine.
  • CIBERESP, that offers the opportunity to collaborate with several groups, with a program on side-visits that offers the oportunity to host reserachers from other groups.

In addition there are two other centers that are common collaborators for several groups

  • UAB, the department fo preventive medicine
  • CSIC, the institute for environmental chemistry

Specific per groups:

Group 1

Collaborates with Harvard University (Departments of: Health Policy (Prof. Ronald C. Kessler), WHO Assessment, Classification, and Epidemiology (ACE) Group, Bedirhan T. Üstün; University of McMaster, Ontario. Department of Clinical Epidemiolgy and Biostatistics and Medicine (Prof. Gordon H. Guyatt)

Group 2

Collaborates with the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), with the Catalan Agency for Health Technology, Assessment and Research (AATRM), with the Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud, Zaragoza, Spain, Girona University, London Metropolitan University, UK and Institute of Ophthalmology, London, UK.

Group 3

Collaborates with University Miguel Hernandez from Elche, University La Coruña, Escola Valenciana d’Estudis de Salut, University of North Carolina, and the Harvard School of Public Health - Channing Laboratories.

Groups 4 and 5

Formally linked with INSERM, under an international lab on respiratory epidemiology. Other fixed collaborations are: Imperial College, London; KTL-Finland; IRAS-Utrech; GSF-Munic, University of Crete, and Johns Hopkins (depratment of epidemiology), Harvard University (Channing lab), University of South-California and NCI-NIH (occupational department).

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