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Heath services - Education - Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Heath services - Education


The Master in Public Health is an International program of excellence for professional training in public health. Its main objective is to enable students to understand the processes of health/disease and its determinants from the population's perspective, and tackling health problems through collective interventions of promotion, protection and health recovery. An Interuniversity Official Master, it is jointly organized by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). The program offers two itineraries, professionalization and research, with the same load (120 ECTS, two academic years).

During the academic years 2007 - 2015, the head of Health Services Research Group (Dr. Jordi Alonso) was the coordinator of this Master program. Several researchers in the group teach in it, and some are in the Master's steering committee.


Dr. Jordi Alonso is the deputy director of the Fall Institute Program, jointly organized by the universities Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain) and Johns Hopkins (Baltimore, US). Dr. Jordi Alonso is an associated professor of Bloomberg School, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, since 2007.


Our group is part of the Hospital del Mar Preventive Medicine and Public Health Teaching Unit, created in 2003. The Unit is composed by 4 institutions (Hospital del Mar, IMIM, Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona, and Experimental and Health Sciences Department at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra). The purpose of the Unit is to offer quality training for Preventive Medicine and Public Health specialists, to help achieving excellence in their professional competence. Dr. Montserrat Ferrer is the tutor of the PSMAR medical doctors in training at IMIM since 2008, and was the coordinator of the Teaching Unit from 2015 to 2020.


The group's formative capacity means having pre-doctoral researchers with competitive contracts in the group's team, as well as other pre-doctoral researchers directed by the group's PIs, in different phases of their thesis project.

Ongoing thesis supervised by the Group's PIs:

Alayo I. Improving the application of machine learning techniques in suicide research. Directors: Mortier P, Puig O, Vilagut G.

Andreu M. Traducción, adaptación cultural, validación de contenido y administración de una encuesta sobre conocimiento, creencias y actitudes de profesionales de kinesiología sobre los factores contextuales en el abordaje del dolor músculoesquelético. Directors: Policastro P, Pardo Y.

Lizano C. Impact of inhaled asthma treatment on pediatric patient-reported outcomes. Directors: Ferrer M, Garin O.

Mayoral K. Evaluación del tratamiento con broncodilatadores de acción larga en los niños con asma: estudio observacional prospectivo. Directors: Ferrer M, Garin O.

Miret C. Impacte del tractament en els reingresos, les complicacions i la qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut de les dones supervivents de cancer de mama. Directors: Ferrer M, Sala M.

Puértolas B. Suicidal behavior in Catalonia. Evaluation of a suicide prevention program. Directors: Alonso J, Vilagut G.

Zamora V. Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in patients with prostate cancer. Directors: Ferrer M, Garin O.


Jordi Alonso(ELIMINAR)

(34) 93 316 07 60

(34) 93 316 07 97

Doctor Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona

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