20/05/2019 - Covid-19
The nationwide MIND/COVID study, headed up by researchers from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and Hospital del Mar, is one of the few projects funded so far by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The aim is to study the mental health of healthcare workers and other key groups, as well as COVID-19 patients and a sample of the general Spanish population. Natural disasters such as severe hurricanes, floods or earthquakes, and major epidemic outbreaks -such as SARS, MERS or Ebola- lead to an increase in acute stress, symptoms of anxiety and depression, and other mental health problems. This impact can affect the most vulnerable populations in particular, and lead to the emergence of mental disorders and addictions. Healthcare workers are a vulnerable population because of the risk of contagion and the enormous workload involved in trying to manage the disease.
14/01/2020 - Press release
Physical activity is related to changes in the structure of our DNA but does not modify the sequence of letters in the genes, its primary structure, according to a study led by researchers at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM). And by exercising in a moderate-vigorous way, i.e. walking briskly every day or doing sport for at least 30 minutes, we can maximise the benefits, This targets one of the key elements in the metabolism of triglycerides, which, in high concentrations, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. These DNA changes influence the way our genes are read and their expression level.
Més informació "Physical activity modifies the way our DNA works"
16/12/2019 - Press release
A new study has estimated the exact, individualized cost of healthcare for patients being treated in hospital for an occupational disease not recognized by the Social Security. The study was conducted by researchers from the Center for Research in Occupational Health (CiSAL) at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and the Occupational Health Service at Hospital del Mar As in other countries, Spain has two public health systems. On the one hand, the National Health Service, financed by taxes, covering all residents. On the other hand, the Social Security System is specific for occupational diseases, administered primarily by the mutual insurance companies that collaborate with the Social Security system, funded by contributions by employees and employers, which only offers protection to employees affiliated to the Social Security system.
06/11/2019 - Press release
Over the past few decades, various studies have investigated the impact of air pollution on cognitive capacities in children. However, very little research has been done on the changes that air pollution could induce in children's growing brains . A new study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre supported by "la Caixa", with the participation of Dr. Jesús Pujol, the research director of the Hospital del Mar Magnetic Resonance Unit and researcher at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) who carried out the magnetic resonance imaging studies, with the participation of Dr. Jesús Pujol, has found a link between air pollution and changes in the corpus callosum, a region of the brain associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The study was carried out as a part of BREATHE, a project whose earlier findings suggest that air pollution has harmful effects on cognitive functions in schoolchildren and is also associated with functional changes in the brain.
02/10/2019 - Press release
It is an initiative with no precedents, 20 relevant people of Catalonia and Balearic Island ask for tackling with urgency the crisis of plastic waste after checking the presence of plastic in its body derived from plasticized food in the entire distribution chain and consumption. Rezero collected 20 urine samples from 20 participants.Once samples were collected, samples were analyzed from Norwegian Institute of Public Health (www.fhi.no/en), referencelaboratory at international level on the detection of metabolic plastic in human samples. Specifically, it have been analyzed the presence of 27 components related to plastic exposition: 15 phthalates and 12 phenols. Results have been supervised by Doctor Miquel Porta, professor of Preventive Medicine and health and researcher at IMIM. He informed to all participants the results face to face and corroborated the faces of surprise and the impact of theparticipants.
03/04/2019 - Press release
In general, the creation of parks and green spaces in urban centers has positive effects on the health of city residents. However, looking in more detail, only those who belong to the most favored social classes may be benefitting from these spaces. A new article published by a group of researchers from the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) and the Medical Research Institute of the Hospital del Mar (IMIM) shows that, although living in areas with green spaces are associated with better self-perceived health on the part of residents at large, such benefits exclude those with a lower educational level and lower incomes. The progressive "greening" of cities through the creation of green spaces, parks and ecological corridors can have positive effects on the physical and psychological health of people.
Més informació "Urban green spaces do not benefit the health of all"
23/01/2018 - Press release
The director of the Epidemiology and Public Health programme at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and CIBER Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP) researcher, Jordi Alonso, was commissioned by the World Mental Health to lead an international study into the adequacy of anxiety disorder treatment across the globe. The results, from a sample of more than 51,500 individuals from 21 different countries, reveals that 10% of people suffer anxiety. Of these, only 27.6% have received some type of treatment, and this was considered appropriate in only 9.8% of the cases. It is the first time a study has described the treatment gap in anxiety disorders at an international level. "It is estimated that anxiety disorders affect 10% of the global population. These are pathologies that tend to be chronic, comorbid, and associated with a significant disability. If we add to this the fact that in 2010 they cost a group of 30 European Union countries €74,400 million, it is clear that this is an important public health problem", explains Jordi Alonso.
16/01/2018 - Press release
Being overweight or obese exponentially increases the risk of suffering heart disease or cancer. This is the conclusion of the FRESCO (Spanish Risk Function of Coronary and Other Events) study, led by researchers from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and doctors from Hospital del Mar, who analysed the follow up of 54,446 people from 7 autonomic communities over a ten-year period. The work involved various research groups from Barcelona, Girona, Reus, Palma de Mallorca, Zaragoza, Murcia, Pamplona, Seville, and Talavera de la Reina. The results of the study are clear. The obesity epidemic has a greater impact on women. In fact, women are 5 five times more likely to suffer a cardiovascular disease, and have 12 times greater risk of developing cancer than those of normal weight, Being overweight, even if this does not reach obesity levels, still involves twice the risk of heart disease and four times the risk of cancer.
Més informació "Obesity and overweight multiply the risk of suffering cancer and heart disease"
18/12/2017 - Institutional news
Gasol Foundation, set up by NBA players Pau and Marc Gasol, and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) have signed an agreement to develop joint research projects. The aim of this accord is to establish a collaboration framework between the organisations with regard to biotech research and development in the field of childhood obesity. This will allow them to work together to gain competitive funding and publicise the results of their joint projects. The agreement will promote the cross-training of staff from the two entities, and the IMIM team will provide methodological support in the design and development of the Gasol Foundation's public health interventions, as well as in the analysis and dissemination of the data they obtain. A task that will be carried out by the IMIM's Cardiovascular Risk and Nutrition research group.
15/11/2017 - General information
Each November, the Movember Foundation encourages men from all over the world to grow a moustache to raise awareness and funds for men's health research. The Healthcare Research Group at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) is the Spanish coordinator for an international study funded by this foundation, involving more than 5,000 patients from twelve different countries. The study, entitled "Prostate Cancer Outcomes - Compare and Reduce Variation" (PCO-CRV for short), focuses on men diagnosed with localised prostate cancer and has a global allocation of 4.6 million euros that Movember contributes, raised by crowdfunding campaigns around the world that are especially active during the month of November.
Més informació "Movember: researching how to improve quality of life after prostate cancer"
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