Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



POSTPONED: IMIMSeminars: Use of healthcare services among long-term breast cancer survivors: Longitudinal study based on real-world data (The SURBCAN cohort)

Virtual, a les 11:00h

Us convidem al proper IMIM Seminars at Home que tindrà lloc dimecres dia 27/05/2020 a les 11:00h i que portarà per títol "Use of healthcare services among long-term breast cancer survivors: Longitudinal study based on real-world data (The SURBCAN cohort)" a càrrec d’Anna Jansana, grup de recerca en Epidemiologia i Avaluació de l'IMIM.

Per tal de poder assistir al seminari cal registrar-se a aquí.

Veure pòster


We invite you to the next IMIM Seminars at Home which will take place on Wednesday May 27, 2020 at 11:00 am with the title "Use of healthcare services among long-term breast cancer survivors: Longitudinal study based on real-world data (The SURBCAN cohort)" by Anna Jansana, Epidemiology and Evaluation research group at IMIM.

To attend the seminar you must register here.

See poster

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