Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute


25/01/2010 - General information

An IMIM study makes the American Heart Association’s top 10 list

Every year since 1996, the American Heart Association lists the top 10 most important scientific advances related to cardiovascular diseases and stroke. This year, the top 10 includes a study involving researchers from the Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Genetics Research Group from IMIM-Hospital del Mar. It was published last June in the prestigious journal Nature Genetics.

After analysing 2,500,000 genetic characteristics in 34,433 individuals, the researchers were able to identify eight genetic variants that contribute to blood pressure control. According to the researchers, the most important outcome of this study is that these discoveries will help us understand the mechanisms that cause hypertension and could contribute to the future development of new medicines for treating this condition.

The American Heart Association is a health agency in the United States whose primary objectives are to reduce the incidence of coronary and cerebral diseases, reduce risk factors (tobacco, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.) and promote healthier living. This year, the Association has selected studies that have made important scientific advances in the research of new therapies and treatments, as well as in the prevention of risk factors that could contribute to cardiovascular and cerebral diseases.

For more information

Reference article:

Genome-wide association study of blood pressure and hypertension; Genome-wide association study identifies eight loci associated with blood pressure. Nature Genetics, June 2009; Nat Genet 2009; 41; 666-77; 677-87;

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