Uses of Health Services and Economic Evaluation of the Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Study
Research Team: Alonso J (IP), Ferrer M, García-Altés A, Sicuri E, Domínguez A, Nebot M (Garin O, Galante M).
- To quantify the use of health services on hospitalized and outpatient patients with influenza A/H1N1_2009 in Spain, from December 2009 to March 2010.
- To estimate the direct costs from the medical provider perspective generated by hospitalized and outpatient patients with influenza A/H1N1_2009 in Spain, from December 2009 to March 2010.
- To quantify the socio-economic and occupational impact in hospitalized and outpatient patients with influenza A/H1N1_2009 in Spain, from December 2009 to March 2010.
Secondary aims:
- To compare the costs generated by hospitalized and outpatient patients with influenza A/H1N1_2009 in Spain, from December 2009 to March 2010.
- To estimate the incremental cost of pharmacological and non pharmacological, preventive and therapeutic interventions for influenza A/H1N1_2009 in Spain, among different risk groups.
- To estimate the cost-utility ration of pharmacological and non pharmacological, preventive and therapeutic interventions for influenza A/H1N1_2009 in Spain, among different risk groups.
Design: It is a study coordinated with the case-control project “Risk factors of influenza A(H1N1)2009 hospitalization and death and effectiveness of pharmaceutical interventions, hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and other no-pharmaceutical interventions in its prevention” (A. Domínguez). The present study would only analysed the sub-group of hospitalized and outpatient patients with influenza A/H1N1_2009, from the main project. In all these cases, information will be collected on the use of services, drugs, diagnostic tests, transport, days off work, non-health and non-professional services received for prevention and treatment of pandemic influenza A, and health status measured with the EQ-5D. Information will be collected (in a prospective or retrospective way) referring to: admission or flu process (T0), and 30-45 days after discharge/recovery.
- A bibliographic search has been conducted and would be presented as a literature narrative review (February 15th, 2010)
- Data bases and surveys (both for baseline and follow-up periods) have been already designed. As well as the different strategies for solving the recruitment problems due to the decrease of cases’ incidence. On the same way a interim analysis plan has been designed so to present preliminary results in the of April, 2010.
- Field work: we are still working on the cases’ recruitment (in a retrospective way, mainly), as well as doing the follow-up evaluation.
Key Words: influenza A/H1N1_2009, costs and cost analysis, health services, utility
Funding: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (ISCIII), GR09/0026; 2009-2011.