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IMIM Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques - Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Epidemiology and public health


Nutritional Epidemiology and Childhood obesity

Diet and Cardiometabolic Risk

There is no tool available for collecting dietary information in a standardised and rapid manner. For this reason, we are working on the development and applicability of a tool for assessing diet in clinical practice. The REGICOR (Registre Gironí del Cor) study, coordinated by Dr. Marrugat, comprises several population-level cohorts that include data on anthropometrics, physical activity, food consumption and the monitoring of cardiovascular events, to study cardiometabolic risk.  The work of the REGICOR study currently involves the predictive capacity of dietary components, physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in the development of cardiovascular disease in a 20-year follow-up programme. One of the objectives of this study is to develop a mobile-health app that will incorporate data on age, gender, lifestyle (diet, physical activity, and tobacco use), and an estimation of cardiorespiratory fitness, and will allow an accurate determination of cardiovascular risk at 10 and 20 years.

Principal contribution: Cárdenas-Fonts G, Eur J Public Health 2018, Funtikova A, J Nutr 2015; Schröder H, JAMA Intern Med 2014, Schröder H, Eur J Nutr 2014, Funtikova A, Eur J Clin Nutr 2012; Schröder H.

Childhood Overweight and Obesity

Spain has one of the highest rates of overweight in Europe. In this research field, we are currently working on several studies that will allow us to identify determinants of childhood obesity, which is essential for developing preventive strategies.

  • STOP study (Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy)

Project funded by Horizon 2020 to tackle childhood obesity, in which CIBEResp participates as a consortium. The goal of the STOP study (https://www.stopchildobesity.eu/) is to expand and consolidate the multidisciplinary evidence base in order to build effective and sustainable policies for preventing and treating childhood obesity. The primary aim of STOP is to assess the cumulative effects of multiple and synergistic exposures on children and their families.

  • PASOS Study (Physical Activity, Sedentarism and Obesity of Spanish youth)

Multicentre project led by the Gasol Foundation that involves 13 research centres in Spain (https://www.gasolfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/ 11 / Informe-PASSOS-2019-online.pdf). The PASOS study involves more than 3,800 children and adolescents from 8 to 16 years of age and their families, from 121 randomly selected localities from Spain's 17 autonomous communities.                    

Multicentre prospective cohort study, within the framework of CIBERobn, which will include approximately 2000 children from 3 to 6 years of age with data collected annually over an average follow-up period of 10 years. The main objective is to identify the risk factors for childhood obesity, as well as to quantify the risk of each of these using a longitudinal cohort with a 10-year follow-up period.

  • PERCEPS study

Cross-sectional study of 900 children principally aimed at determining the association between parental perception of a child's weight and parental feeding practices. A misperception of the child's weight is associated with permissive behaviour, while parents concerned about their children's weight tend to apply more restrictive behaviour. On the other hand, family dysfunction is also associated with parental perception of the child's weight.

  • The LungFit study

It’s an intramural project at the CIBEResp aimed at determining the association between physical activity and the incidence of respiratory diseases in children and adolescents. How the socioeconomic level of the parents impacts this association will also be studied.                                                                  

  • MESEMPO study

The aim is to develop an app (M-Health) as an empowerment strategy for families with pre-school children to help prevent childhood obesity. The new information and communication technologies (ICT) represent a revolution in health advocacy as they allow habits to be evaluated at a low cost in large populations. The MESMPO study will involve an adaptation of the myHEALTHWATCHER platform (https://myhealthwatcher.es/) for 500 families with pre-school children in order to improve their lifestyle habits.

Principal contribution: Gómez SF, BMJ Open 2020; Bawaked R, Pediatr Obes, 2020; Gomez SF, Eur J Pediatr 2018; Schröder H, Obesity Facts 2017; Bawaked R, Food Nutr Res 2017; Schröder H, Plos One 2017, Navarro I, J Nutr Biochem 2017; Schröder H, Eur J Pediatr 2015, Schröder H, Plos One 2014; Schröder H, Nutrition 2013.

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